Pressure Sensitive Materials (PSA) can provide a very economical fastening method because of its low cost in both material and application labor. PSA works best on relatively flat surfaces and therefore can be especially economical on die-cut and extruded parts. Because it is ready made for a specific application, the engineer must have considered all aspects of an adhesive bond.

Factors to consider:

We will supply PSA that will be compatible with our product. You must let us know what surface type and bond requirements we must meet on your substrate. Note: We may have to supply different adhesives to meet multiple surface characteristics, for example adhesion to electroplated steel and a painted plastic surface.

  1. What temperature range must the PSA handle?
  2. Will it come in contact with chemicals?
  3. Will high moisture or sunlight be factors?
  4. Will the PSA be applied to a cleaned surface?
  5. How much time is allowed after installation till the adhesive is functional?

Shape Factors

If the surfaces are not flat, will the matching product, be sufficiently elastic to conform to your product. If an extrusion will be applied as a non-linear strip, what is the radius the adhesive needs to hold?

By: Walter Jobst